James Newton

UX/UI Designer


What's your workplace passion?

I would definitely consider connection to be my workplace passion. As a designer who is keen on learning and pushing myself further in the industry, being able to connect with other like minded designers is something I am always passionate about!

What are your personal passions?

I’ve always been a massive fan of Gundam Models, LEGOs or other nerdy creative hobbies. Lately, I’ve been getting into more physical hobbies such as martial arts and weight lifting to balance things out.

What Airteam value do you identify with most and why?

‘Build a strong team’ is a Airteam Value I can relate to the most as I come from an international school background that relied heavily on having a great team and cultural dynamic.

If you could have anyone in the world join Airteam, who would it be and why?

I would say Luke Wroblewski as he’s got some awesome insights into the world of UX and the driving factors into the success of digital products. Cool to see lots of his insights from his book “Mobile First”.

What makes your pet a valued member of Airteam?

Unfortunately I don’t have a pet of my own YET. My dream is to get a cat that would chill on my lap while I’m designing away on my computer.